Yuletide Angels – a celebration of many cultures and faiths

UnknownMargaret Bacon Schulze is a freelance writer of Okinawan/Anglo heritage. Her first book of fiction, Yuletide Angels, was published last year by electio Publishing. It’s the story of a mixed race family enjoying the many customs and traditions of the Yuletide season. A celebration of many cultures and faiths!

More on the book:

Dina is searching for a special angel to top her Christmas tree, one that looks like her Japanese, Irish, German, and Mexican sons. Her husband Julio struggles with his disdain of holiday hype.

Would you like to order this book? Here’s a link for more info: http://electiopublishing.com/index.php/bookstore#!/~/product/id=31016183

Mixed ‘Race’ Irish Seek Recognition and Support

from IrishTimes.com

from IrishTimes.com

A new campaign has been created to support Mixed children who suffered injustices during their ‘time in the care of the Irish State.’  The Irish Times published this article on November 18, 2013: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/oireachtas/campaign-highlights-abuse-of-mixed-race-irish-in-institutional-care-1.1598162

For more information and to share your story in seeking support, please visit the organization’s home page: http://www.irishsurvivorsinbritain.org/