Link to PDF of CFP.

Submission instructions:
Individual Papers
Topics are not limited to the theme “Explorations in Trans (gender, gressions, migrations, racial) Fifty Years After Loving v. Virginia.” Successful proposals will introduce topics that promote research and debate on Critical Mixed Race Studies topics.
Be prepared to submit your contact information, a bio (500 word limit), paper title, abstract (500 word limit), and your AV needs.
Topics are not limited to the theme “Explorations in Trans (gender, gressions, migrations, racial) Fifty Years After Loving v. Virginia.” Successful proposals will introduce topics that promote research and debate on Critical Mixed Race Studies topics, and present a clear rationale for the papers’ collective goals. Panels generally feature 3-4 participants (15-20 minutes each) followed by a moderated discussion. Panels will be scheduled for 90 minutes.
Be prepared to submit contact information for all participants, including bios (500 word limit), the panel moderator, panel title, panel abstract (500 word limit), paper abstracts for each presenter (500 word limit), and your AV needs.
Unlike panels, which generally feature a sequence of 15-20 minute talks followed by discussion, roundtables gather a group of participants around a shared concern in order to generate discussion among the roundtable participants and the audience. To this end, instead of delivering papers, participants are asked to deliver short position statements in response to questions distributed in advance by the organizer or take turns responding to prompts from the moderator. The bulk of the session should be devoted to discussion. The moderator’s role in maintaining the flow of discussion is particularly critical in the roundtable format, thus the moderator should be selected with attention to this issue. Roundtables will be scheduled for 90 minutes and feature 3-6 presenters.
Be prepared to submit contact information for all participants, including bios (500 word limit), the roundtable moderator, roundtable title, roundtable abstract (500 word limit), presenter position statements (optional) for each presenter (500 word limit each), and your AV needs.
Topics are not limited to the theme “Explorations in Trans (gender, gressions, migrations, racial) Fifty Years After Loving v. Virginia.” Successful proposals will introduce topics that promote research and debate on Critical Mixed Race Studies topics. Posters will be displayed from 1 to 5pm on February 25th and 26th. Posters must be self standing. A trifold presentation board under 60″ wide is suggested. Be prepared to submit your contact information, a bio (500 word limit), poster title, and abstract (500 word limit).
Mixed Roots Stories Artist (performance or video)*
Describe of your presentation piece or video. Please include a link and password (if password protected) to where we can review this piece and/or a sample of your work. (500 word limit)
Be prepared to also submit your contact information, project title, your bio (500 word limit), and AV needs. Please list the full name of any other artists a part of your piece and their email addresses.
Click HERE to apply!
For more information about this and past conferences: http://criticalmixedracestudies.org
Check out clips from #CMRS2014.