We’re very moved by this new blogpost written by Stephanie Georgopulos (Twitter handle: @omgstephlol)
Some quotes to pique your interest in clicking the link below and joining the conversation:
“Even with my white skin, I didn’t know the white experience entirely. I didn’t know it because when people use that poisonous n-word, I instantly think of my mother—and how people have used that word to hurt her simply for lack of time and effort. I think about the things my parents sacrificed to be together, things bigger than letters can spell…When #shitblackmomssay trended on Twitter, I laughed. I was on the inside of something, for once.
“[Being biracial is] witnessing one of the most exciting conversations about race since the civil rights movement, and wondering whether you’re the white voice that should shut up and listen, or the black voice that should speak out, or the mixed voice that should ???.”
Click here for the rest of this insightful post: https://medium.com/human-parts/c25d6ae8f2af
- From medium.com/human-parts/c25d6ae8f2af