Many Wonderful Quotes to Ponder: Coming Out as Biracial



We’re very moved by this new blogpost written by Stephanie Georgopulos (Twitter handle: @omgstephlol)

Some quotes to pique your interest in clicking the link below and joining the conversation:

“Even with my white skin, I didn’t know the white experience entirely. I didn’t know it because when people use that poisonous n-word, I instantly think of my mother—and how people have used that word to hurt her simply for lack of time and effort. I think about the things my parents sacrificed to be together, things bigger than letters can spell…When #shitblackmomssay trended on Twitter, I laughed. I was on the inside of something, for once.

“[Being biracial is] witnessing one of the most exciting conversations about race since the civil rights movement, and wondering whether you’re the white voice that should shut up and listen, or the black voice that should speak out, or the mixed voice that should ???.”

Click here for the rest of this insightful post:


Great Resource for Indie Filmmakers in LA

I participated in Film Independent’s Project:Involve program back in 2007, when, after several years of pursuing an acting career, I decided that I wanted to be an actor who also knows how to write and produce. I was growing tired of the kinds of roles my agent sent me out for – e.g. ‘Party Girl #1’ for Bud Light commercials – and was especially tired of not seeing people I could relate to being represented in the media. That’s how I found Film Independent.

Film Independent is dedicated to nurturing underrepresented filmmakers through workshops, mentor programs (like Project:Involve) and the Independent Spirit Awards. Project:Involve surrounds its participants with mentors, professionals and other filmmakers whose voices have often been rejected in the mainstream. The application process is rigorous, but if you are chosen, any of Film Independent’s programs will change the trajectory of your filmmaking career – and the media will greatly benefit from having your added voice.

Upcoming deadlines:

2014 Directing Lab: October 7th 2013

2014 Documentary Lab: December 2nd 2013

The next Project:Involve deadline is April 2014.

Best of luck – and keep telling your story!

‘White’ Father of a ‘Mixed’ Son is not Trayvon Martin

This is just one example of the beautiful pieces written on the tumblr site The entries are posted by folks who admit to having white privilege, and who are interested in fighting racism and establishing equality for all. We at Mixed Roots Stories share this goal, and hope that by encouraging stories about the Mixed experience, we are contributing to this goal.

Here’s the father’s post:

Hapa Voice

Hapa Voice is a website highlighting stories of multiracial Asians from all over the world. As of this posting, they have a very active twitter feed (@hapavoice) and facebook page (‘like’ them here:, and are seeking submissions to be added to their website (

Code Switching

NPR has a new blog this year called “Code Switch: Frontiers of Race, Culture and Ethnicity”!  This is their discussion of Code Switching

“In linguistics, “code-switching” means mixing languages or patterns of speech in conversation. But as our blog host Gene Demby explains: “We’re looking at code-switching a little more broadly. Many of us subtly, reflexively change the way we express ourselves all the time. We’re hop-scotching between different cultural and linguistic spaces and different parts of our own identities — sometimes within a single interaction.

“We decided to call this team Code Switch because much of what we’ll be exploring are the different spaces we each inhabit and the tensions of trying to navigate between them. In one sense, code-switching is about dialogue that spans cultures. It evokes the conversation we want to have here.””

Code Switch creates an interesting dialogue about the multiple roles we all play in society.  Check out their April 8th entry How Code-Switching Explains the World where Mixed comedians Key & Peele are referenced, and all their other interesting entries.


Mixed Race Studies

Curated by Steven F. Riley, is THE go-to resource for scholars of all kinds who want to delve into research on the Mixed experience. The site is not limited to scholarly articles, though. Here’s a list of the categories (as of 6/12/13). Go ahead and click – but we warned you: you will not get anything else done today.